Parish Notice Board

Men and women (55 and above) meet every Monday from 11.30 till 2.00pm in the Parish Centre and spend time in games. We always welcome new comers From all denominations.
Contact: Wally Galos [email protected]
We express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their kindness and the contributions of food items for our Christmas hampers.
St Vincent de Paul, Woodvale Conference.

The Parish of St Luke and the Archdiocese of Perth are committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community. Mindful of the theme for National Child Protection Week, may we work to build and support safe communities for all people.

Safeguarding Induction for all Church workers
The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has broadened safeguarding to include adults at risk. ALL church workers (volunteers or paid) are to attend a 1-hour safeguarding induction. A church worker is anyone in the parish in any role – paid or voluntary. If you haven’t attended the induction in the last 3 years, please register for the upcoming session.
This induction provides an overview of the Safeguarding Policies and Procedures, the role of the Parish Safeguarding Officer, and the importance of Safeguarding within the parish.
The upcoming session is as follow:
To see all dates click here
- Registration:
- Or phone 9221 7762 to book in.

Scam Warning! A number of Parish Priests including myself have been impersonated by a scammer, who is sending text messages which are a scam. The content of the message would be something like:
Hello Mary,
This is Fr. Stan Bendkowski.
I’m in a meeting right now, can’t talk on the phone but txt me back when you get this message.
I need you to assist me quickly.
Please do not respond to a message like this.
Next he will ask for Amazon or other Gift Cards
He is still sending this messages!!!
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