Christmas Masses

24th December
Christmas Family Mass
(Carols at 6.30 pm)
7.00 pm
Late Night Vigil Mass
(Carols at 9:45 pm)
10.00 pm
25th December
Christmas Day Masses8.00 am
9.30 am

To comply with the State Government’s revised requirements on the size of congregations at places of worship our maximum permitted congregation size at any mass (including Christmas masses) is 422 people.

Where it is considered appropriate, numbers will be monitored as people enter the Church to ensure the maximum congregation size is not exceeded.

Social distancing requirements also apply. Individuals must continue to maintain physical distancing between themselves and people of other households.

The mass where congregation size might be an issue is the Children’s / Family mass at 7pm on Christmas Eve, so we ask that those of us not attending mass with children / young families consider attending one of the three other Christmas masses.

Your consideration and co-operation will be appreciated.